Recent MN Wedding Videos
Morgan + Wescott
Morgan and Wes are an amazing couple. You can see how great their relationship is, by the way they calm each other with their presence. They had numerous DIY personal touches at the reception and ceremony, and many Star Wars references. It was an honor to have worked with Morgan and Wes and an experience I will never forget.

Why Choose Us?
We take pride in keeping our rates as low as possible while still providing a high quality production.

We have shot video at over 100 weddings over the past 7 years.
CLICK HERE to read Greg's Bio.
We have many client testimonials. CLICK HERE to read them.
Contact Us for
More Information!
8 hours - $2,199
10 hours - $2,499
12 hours - $2,899
All Wedding Packages Include:
- Sneak Peek Video -
1-2 min video that is uploaded online 48 hours after your wedding.
- Cinematic Highlight Video -
3-7 min video highlights from the day, with natural audio and music.
- Wedding Day Edit -
Full Ceremony (2 cameras)
Wedding Party Entrance
Cake Cutting
First Dances
*All footage is provided on a flash drive. Discs available at your request.